Wednesday, April 18, 2012

English Homework- Bonfire

An early childhood memory was one of lighting a bonfire with my cousin Anne, on a pitch black night during the summer holidays. I remember my dad lighting a match and it rolling through the air and landing on the kindling with a burst of flaming embers. The sparks of fire grew hotter which engulfed the large logs spreading light around Anne and I. The trails of baby embers flying towards the night sky drew our eyes to the billions of twinkling lights above.  I marveled at how clearly the stars shone as we sat by the bonfire, but to Anne they were so familiar. As the flames dimed the quietness of the night was more noticeable over the crackling coals. As Anne lived a long way from town you couldn’t hear the city noises that I was used too, instead there were the sounds of the birds and the dogs barking. We laughed together as we loaded marshmallows upon our roast sticks and waved them over the shimmering coals. We shared stories of our previous term at school and enjoyed the friendship we have. It is always fun visiting Anne at her property as it gives me an insight into life living on the land which is very different to my life on the Gold Coast.

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