Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Research Activity - Vietnam War

 When did it occur?
  • last for 10 years from 1962-1972
Who was involved?
  • countries involved were America, Australia, France, south Vietnam and north Vietnam
What was Australias's involment 
  •  Australian 60,000 personnel were involved
Protest Movements
  • first protests were small and non-violent
  • in the early year Australias involment in the war was not widely opposed, 
  • As Australias commitment grew, as conscripts began to make up a large percentage of those being deployed and killed 
  • the public increasingly came to believe that the war was being lost, oppostion grew 
  • early 1970's more than 200,000 people marched in the streets of major cities in protest
  • final stages of the war public opion began to change in 1969 55% of australians favoured withdrawing the troops.
  • during 1970 and 1971 huge protests called Vietnam Moratoriums (stop the war) saw hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets to protest.
Call of conscription
  • Australia's national service scheme was introduced in 1964
  • during the early years of the war, when Australia's contribution was limited to member of the regular army the public was disinterested
  • only when the commitment increased to include national servicemen, particulary after 1968 Tet Offensive, did wide spread opposition to australia's participation in teh war develop
  • after 1968 both United States and Australia began to withraw troops from Vietnam, teh period of major protest.
Public Treatment of vets from the war and ongoing health problems
  • they didnt have a warm welcome home
  • arrived at the dead of night
  • people blamed them for the war and the way it had been conducted
  • many soldiers had been abused as baby killers , rapists and murders on their return
  • by 1987 attitudes towards the vets had changed they were given a welcome home parade in Sydney, 25,000 vets marched to the cheers of several hundred thousand onlookers
  • many stories of disturbed veterans suffering from post-tramatic stress disorder and continuing to suffer from their time in Vietnam

Monday, March 22, 2010

Hovercar Racer by Matthew Reilly

I also liked this book by Matthew Reilly. I really liked this book, i think that it would make a pretty good movie. The main character is Jason Chaser, but my favorite character is the Bug who is Jason's little brother. I also added a copy of the synopsis of this book so you know what it is about. I thought that it was a great read.

In the world of the near future, the most popular sport in the world is hover car racing. Superfast and dangerous, its heroes are the racers: part fighter pilot, part race-car driver, all superstar.
But to get to the Pro Circuit, you must first pass through the International Race School, a brutal cauldron of wild races on even wilder courses, where only the best of the best will survive.
This is the story of Jason Chaser, a talented young racer selected to attend the Race School. He's younger than the other students. He's smaller. His trusty car, the Argonaut, is older. But Jason Chaser is no ordinary racer. And as he races against the best drivers in the world he will learn that at Race School winning is everything, that not everyone in this world fights fair, and that you never ever have any friends on the track.
Strap on your seat belts and hold on tight because the pace of reading just went supersonic! From Matthew Reilly, author of "Ice Station" and "Scarecrow", comes his most original novel yet - no less than the fastest story ever told.

Seven Ancient Wonders by Matthew Reilly

I loved the plot in this book. the main character is called West. I would recommend that you read this book its a great read, i have copped a copy of the synopsis of the book so you get an idea of what the book is about.

Is The Biggest Treasure-Hunt In History

Nearly every nation on earth is involved.
A headlong race to locate the Seven
Wonders of the Ancient World.

A magnificent golden capstone once sat atop the
Great Pyramid at Giza. It was a source of immense
power, capable of bestowing upon its holder
absolute global rule for a thousand years...

But then, in 323BC, the capstone was broken
into seven pieces and hidden within the greatest
structures of the age: monuments that would
become known as the Seven Ancient Wonders of
the World

Now, with the coming of a rare solar evens, the
time has come to locate the pieces and rebuild the

Everyone wants it. From the most powerful
countries on earth, to gangs of murderous
terrorists... and one daring coalition of either small
nations who think no single country should possess
such an awesome power source.

And so, led by the mysterious Captain Jack West Jr,
this determined group enters the fray, a global
battlefield filled with vicious booby-trapped
mines, stupendous Ancient Wonders, merciless evil
forces, and an adventure beyond imagining.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ice Station by Matthew Reilly

I thought that this is a great book, there was something always happening and it had no real boring bits! i would recommend it if you liked a bit scary and violet book. i loved the way Matthew Reilly develops his stories. I also like the main character in this book his name is Shane Schofield, he is a marine Lieutenant and he is sent to Antartica to secure a what is thought to be an alien spacecraft.